Our first Sunset Social back from the pandemic is a week later than usual due to the July 4th holiday.
I scream, You scream, We all scream for Ice Cream! Come and join us for our July tradition of indulging in hand-made, delicious Rich Farm Ice Cream at our Ice Cream Social!
Our Sunset Social is held at different member business each month. Each host adds a unique touch to make the event memorable.
This is a great opportunity to network and make new connections for your business in a casual setting.
Bring plenty of business cards and a door prize for extra recognition.
Thursday Jul 8, 2021
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Thursday, July 8th
Rich Farm Ice Cream
901 E. Yorba Linda Blvd., Suite F
Michele Severson 714-528-1873
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.placentiachamber.com/ – Contact the Placentia Chamber of Commerce for more information.
120 S. Bradford Avenue, Suite B, Placentia, CA 92870 – (714) 528-1873 – info@placentiachamber.com